Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Black Frog

The Black Frog

The telephone bell rang up

Intermittently and

All of a sudden

Became breathless.

Still the wind whispers in a low rhythm

In his ears.

Who is on the other side?

Should be a person known already. . .

May be even an unknown person.

May be happy news. .

Achievement of an admission in a school,

Attaining a promotion in career,

About the birth of a child,

Announcing a wedding engagement,

Purchase of a housing plot. .

Otherwise. .

Sad news about a death,

A dismissal order,

A burglary when somebody is out of town,

An elopement of a daughter

The love marriage of a son. . .

This mechanical black frog has

Very many things to tell. . .

By the side of the black frog

He is sitting for more than five minutes

Expecting any kind of news . .

The Tea . . .?

It has become chill. .

Anxious moments


Darkness and Light

Gripped the heart

He forgot himself awhile

Inside his own nervous system

Engulfed by tension

he lost himself.

His wife came there

Took the tea

To reheat it

She went inside.

Again rang up the phone

It is the family physician on the other side


Please do not loose heart. .

The thing afflicting your wife is. . . .”

Before he finished the sentence

The black frog again became breathless.

(In the compilation of poems tiled "Intended to tell"

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