Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Last Button

The Last Button

What would have

The sunken parts of the island

Told the remaining land

Before drowning in the deep sea?

Wedded to the deepness

Will it gain a self-realisation?

. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .

Immerse and dissolve in water?

. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .

Get lost itself in a pursuit of advaita

And land again?

Here in this shirt

It seems

A time has come for

This only remaining button

-The last button-

To drop down for ever.

I don’t know what the other buttons

Have told this shirt

Before they left. . .

After fondling the cheek

Of the last button

What did the Time

wish to tell the button-hole:

Declaration of freedom?

Puzzle of utter confusion?

If it is possible for me

To loose my shirt and attain nirvana

How is it to confirm

With its capacity

The button has set free the moments

With their capacity the moments

Have set me free. . .


Without informing the shirt

The last button has fallen down. .

In the lips of Buddha

Immersed in deep meditation

There flashed a smile. . .


Is it the last button of my shirt?

The world as a single coin . . .

The world as a single coin . . .

Forgetting their historical sources

The land,forest,field,

Garden, Estate,Stone,Sand,Mountain

One by one got

Transformed as hot cash.

State, city, village, ward

Street, house, porch

As images of wealth

In exchange bargains.

Mills, Shops, Schools, Colleges

Under calculation and assessment of

Their prices

Lower or Higher.

Nuclear reactors, Ammunition,

Rockets, Machines, Gadgets,

Under the direct command of

Dollars, Euros, Rubles, Dinars, Rupees

In an unquenched thirst for blood

In estimates of corpses.

Sheep, Cattle, Horses,

Chicken, Sparrows, Pigs

And other things like these

Carrying the price-tags in their necks

Suggesting market trends

Alterations and corrections.

Forests of Elephants

Caves of Tigers and Lions

Deer, Rabbits,



Profit motives have captured

All around

Flags of companies

Unfurling and rolling down


With an artificial heart transplanted

Nature stumbles

In the feeble rhythm of its beating

Time is blinking quiet often.

Mankind, the offspring of

Adam and Eve

Have again become naked

While attempting to cover up

The Nakedness of Money.

Sold by money and

Purchased by money

The commodity, Humanism, is

Out of stock.

After loosing all its life

The world like a tossed coin

Revolves around the sun.

Driven to the edge of existence

Driven to the edge of existence

With much blood-thirst

I find my path in the

Broken pieces of glasses.

The distance which I should traverse

Remains in the hesitations of

The torn-down feet.

My dreams and realizations

sitting before the mirror

Turn their face in the opposite direction

In the private rooms of days

My life which refuses to move up

Murmurs in a tension unspecified

My poem which sees the world

through the eyes of spring

Describes it in words

Anemic and insipid

Which fill up

The mouth of the autumn season.

The Black Frog

The Black Frog

The telephone bell rang up

Intermittently and

All of a sudden

Became breathless.

Still the wind whispers in a low rhythm

In his ears.

Who is on the other side?

Should be a person known already. . .

May be even an unknown person.

May be happy news. .

Achievement of an admission in a school,

Attaining a promotion in career,

About the birth of a child,

Announcing a wedding engagement,

Purchase of a housing plot. .

Otherwise. .

Sad news about a death,

A dismissal order,

A burglary when somebody is out of town,

An elopement of a daughter

The love marriage of a son. . .

This mechanical black frog has

Very many things to tell. . .

By the side of the black frog

He is sitting for more than five minutes

Expecting any kind of news . .

The Tea . . .?

It has become chill. .

Anxious moments


Darkness and Light

Gripped the heart

He forgot himself awhile

Inside his own nervous system

Engulfed by tension

he lost himself.

His wife came there

Took the tea

To reheat it

She went inside.

Again rang up the phone

It is the family physician on the other side


Please do not loose heart. .

The thing afflicting your wife is. . . .”

Before he finished the sentence

The black frog again became breathless.

(In the compilation of poems tiled "Intended to tell"

Intended to tell

Intended to tell

What do you intend to utter?

Have your say..

Any urgent message . . .?

Anything important?

Pardon me!

The telephone rings. .


A Poetic symposium?

I can confirm the date only tomorrow.

You want the time. .

Call me back tomorrow night at 7-30”

You came to tell me something

What is it?

Come on! Tell me now!

What can I do for you?

Is the gas cylinder to be supplied?

Is it a time to pay school fees for our kids?

May I know the last day?

Please bear with me

Someone is knocking the door

Oh! Courier post!

Okay! Signed and received.

What did you try to tell me?

Please say it now.

Is your mother sick?

Have we to visit her?


Oh! What’s it?

Our neighbor coming?

“We are on an outing.

Will return after a week.

Have the key of our house

and please take care.

Thank you! Bye!”

The doors closed now!

Oh my dear!

What did you intend to tell me?

My wife is not there.

The emptiness left by her

Alone stood there and told me:

“Nope! Nothing to tell you!”

My note:The poem is from the compilation of Poems titled"Intended to tell"

Here you can see the husband busy with his routine and unable to spend some time with his better-half.The hollowness of metro life,the useless routine carried by the modern man,disintegration of family and the male-centref way of life are mocked by our beloved poet Tamilanban in his poem.