Thursday, July 31, 2008

Motivating Younger Generation

Thamizhanban, a poet par excellence, has done a wonderful contribution to Tamil literature by his thought-provoking poems.
If translated in other Indian languages I am sure they will create a renaissance in all the Indian languages.
The following poem aims to motivate those with inferiority complex.
The Poet advises to reach the zeniths to find out further heights to be climbed up.
There should not be any end for human endeavor.
Our history reveals how the mankind is struggling to find out new medicines, new solar systems and new findings endlessly.
If our effort end with what e have achieved then there will be chaos.
This poem is a fine piece of self-development literature.

If you were
Widening the horizons,
All the directions will
Follow you,
Showering flowers on you.
Cross the ends!
Endless ends will be there
In your presence!
Your journey
Should not aim at
Just walking
But to cross
And pass over!
The roots
Should not be given
Any dead-end.
They wish to
Put cradles
Even on branches which
Have not yet protruded.
Those who
Aim at reachable goals
And relax afterwards
Will be pitied upon by
The truths which
Are there
In the distant place
Beyond the yonder places.
The sun
Which is unable to cross the fence
And fall down bleeding
Will not be accepted by the sky.
Come on.
Pass over the targets successfully.
Your ego
Which was
In an elated mood once
Will be getting
A farewell from darkness.
Full stops
Full stops
Are never
Graveyards to finished off sentences.
They are the wombs of
The new thoughts
Which are going to take a shape.
In the end of every target
You are born afresh.
Your journey
Should compose music
In the rhythm of
The smashing sound
Of the collapse of
The binding chains called ‘ENDS.’

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